What is the definition of dry orgasm?
First, let me define a dry orgasm, which is when you stimulate your prostate and reach an orgasm without ejaculating. Dry orgasm does not exist as an extension of ejaculation. If you become a dry orgasm master, you can ejaculate many times while reaching dry orgasm. In other words, ejaculation and dry orgasm are completely different things, and the quality and amount of pleasure are completely different.
So, if you are a beginner trying to have a dry orgasm with the Aneros, be careful not to go in the direction of ejaculation. If you end up ejaculating, it’s better to try again.
Orgasm is a Trance state.
What I want you to know most about dry orgasms is that the key point is that you are in a trance state (mental phenomenon/brain state) during orgasm. Trance state is a type of altered state of consciousness and is a term often used in psychology and hypnosis. It is a state of consciousness that lies between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.
Also, you often see videos of shamans dancing while possessed, such as trance-like states, in documentaries. A more familiar example is when you go to a club or a rave, you become one with the music and dance, forgetting yourself, even if your whole body is covered in sweat, even if your body is screaming from dancing too much, you can still stay focused. Have you ever had the experience of dancing?
Whether it’s music or shamanism, it’s characteristic that the expressions are set to unique music. Even in the world of club culture, there was a time when we were experimenting with music that was easier to put into a trance state, and of course that technique is reflected in today’s music.
In addition to music, there are many ways to put people into a trance state during religious ceremonies and festivals, for example. Atmosphere (environment), aromas and incense (sense of smell), music, sutras, and chants (hearing), and intense flames and the flickering of many candles (visual) are used.
Even in an anal environment, it is very meaningful to refer to these things, so if you think about creating an environment that suits you, you will be able to have a higher level of orgasm experience.
When it comes to orgasm, it’s important to relax because it puts you in a trance state, so it’s difficult to get into a trance state when you’re in a sexually excited state like watching porn. It is important not to get excited or nervous, to relax and concentrate on the sensations of the prostate. The feeling of lustful pleasure. Then, become intoxicated by the pleasure and become ecstatic with the pleasure.
A trance state is an altered state of consciousness that corresponds to each qualia. Orgasm is a trance state of pleasure. There are also trance states that correspond to qualia such as laughter, anger, anxiety, tension, etc. For example, when I’m angry, I forget what I’m doing and I’m furious, even when people try to stop me. If I was laughing, I would be laughing so hard I wouldn’t be able to stop, and I would be in such a state that I would run out of oxygen. If you’re anxious, you’re so scared that you can’t even think seriously, and you’re in a state of panic.
An “orgasm” is a trance state caused by “pleasure.”
Things like meditation, chakras, tantra, and autogenic training methods, if you experience them once, or even if you don’t experience them, just knowing them as knowledge will increase your chances of being able to grasp something. The important thing is self-suggestion. Even in dry orgasms, self-suggestion is considered important.
Regarding the reactions of the brain and body
What is important about the trance state is that the entire brain is relaxed and produces theta waves. Theta waves are the state of “REM sleep,” which is between deep sleep and wakefulness, or a dreaming state. This state makes it easier to transition to orgasm, so you can see that it is important to relax even during a dry orgasm. But it’s no good if you fall asleep. Consciousness: It is important to concentrate on the pleasure and erogenous zones and sense them with your brain.
Similarly, in the orgasm state, it exists between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. There are receptors that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, especially in the transitional region of the prostate gland, so it is possible to imprint it so that you are aroused by the urge to urinate even during sleep. When there is a strong input to the anal sphincter, urethra or prostate to seek pleasure this receptor is stimulated and becomes a factor that inhibits the dry orgasm transition. That’s why it’s important to relax.
I often hear people say, “My body starts to convulse and I feel like I’m going to be so cold,” but this is just that person’s fantasy. When my body convulses, it’s a sign that I’m not relaxed, and my body is straining because I’m seeking too much pleasure. In particular, the anal sphincter, urethral sphincter, and PC muscles (low pelvic muscles) are also being strongly input. When it comes to dry orgasms, it’s easier to have an orgasm when your anal sphincter and urethral sphincter are relaxed (weak). On the other hand, when the anal sphincter, urethral sphincter, and PC muscles are all engaged, you are preparing to ejaculate. People who have never had a dry orgasm are so eager for the pleasure that they end up caught up in that part and I often see them complaining, “My body is convulsing, but I can’t have a dry orgasm.” It’s so strong that you’re going to convulse, so try to relax. If you don’t seek too much pleasure and think, “Let’s just stay in this state,” you can often rise to a higher stage.
However, if you become a dry master, you will be able to easily take it dry even if you are shaking or ejaculating.
In the early stages of dry exploration, among the body’s reactions, there is some resistance at first to anal and it is difficult to get used to it, such as worrying about excrement, worrying about odor, and overcoming the feeling of excretion. However, the feeling of excretion is a kind of pleasure, and when there is no feeling of excretion, there is basically no excrement in the rectum, and the rectum is very clean. Just like Kegel exercises, you need to make a lot of effort to get used to them.
Stimulate neurotransmitters in the brain and build a network
It is important to feel the slight pleasure of the prostate gland in your brain by activating the neurotransmission in the brain that is related to dry orgasm little by little and creating the dopamine network that is responsible for pleasure. It’s a little similar to remembering something. But the point is that it’s “pleasure”. The act of memorizing something, by repeating it over and over again, creates a memory, a neural network, that can be retrieved at any time. Similarly, intense urges become strongly engraved in your brain.
The same goes for dry orgasms, by stimulating the prostate little by little with something like the Aneros, when the prostate becomes sensitive for a moment, the Aneros will cause that part to tremble. Through acts, etc., you gradually build up a network of pleasure that originates from the prostate and by accumulating it, you experience a dry orgasm, an intense pleasure that you have never felt before.
However, it’s still early days, and the dry orgasm is unstable. Therefore, it is important to induce and accumulate dry orgasms over and over again, so that a highly reproducible dry orgasm network of dopamine-induced pleasure is firmly established in the brain (rewiring).
Dry orgasm is a type of altered state of consciousness (trance). For example, a smile degenerates and goes out of control, bursting into laughter and heading towards liberation. It refers to various states depending on each qualia (catharsis, stopping thinking, etc.). In this state, the main transmitters in the brain also change.
The brain chemicals activated during orgasm are primarily dopamine. Just because it’s activated, a lot of dopamine is released into the synaptic cleft and it becomes abnormally saturated. It is important to be properly activated and to be able to maintain that state for a long time. That’s why I think it’s important to replenish your body with proteins (amino acids) that contain the precursor tyrosine so that dopamine doesn’t become depleted. “Concentrating” also means activating dopamine.
Concentrate on the pleasure, amplify and multiply it in your brain and activate the A10 nervous system (reward system). A10 nervous system has more dopamine receptors than any other nervous system in the brain. A10 nervous system starts from the brain’s primitive brainstem, goes from the hypothalamus and amygdala to the limbic system, and from there connects to the frontal association cortex of the neocortex, a higher level brain that is said to only exist in humans.
Dopamine is an old hormone that has not received much attention and has been thought to be simply a hormone related to exercise. It has been found that it is deeply involved in the reward system, and it has been understood that it is an important brain transmitter that triggers rewards, such as motivation, behavior, and pleasure.
This is why dopamine and prolactin, which is the main factor in refractory period (also know as “Sage Time” in Japan), have a yin and yang relationship (oxytocin is also a factor in sage time). Dopamine was thought to be related to exercise because dopamine deficiency is the cause of Parkinson’s disease. Dopamine stimulants are used as treatments for Parkinson’s disease.
Also, when taking dopamine antagonists, especially in women, the mammary glands can be stimulated to produce milk. In other words, there is an excess of prolactin that occurs during the lactation period after childbirth. During the lactation period after giving birth, some female mammals stop their estrous period, and I wonder if it interferes with the male’s estrous period in order to concentrate on raising children.
In other words, dopamine is the driving force behind libido (lust), and prolactin is the suppressor.
If you inadvertently ejaculate during masturbation, dopamine levels are suppressed by the release of prolactin. However, regardless of ejaculation, the pleasure of the prostate and dry orgasm will continue. So concentrate on the pleasure of dry orgasm. Of course, prolactin has a strong effect on inhibiting concentration, but if the erogenous zones such as the prostate, perineum are developed to the maximum level, there will be a slight line that focuses on pleasure (the key to orgasm). By holding the image like a nerve thread, dopamine, which is the source of concentration, can be reactivated. When dopamine is activated, prolactin is suppressed. With this method, it is possible to perform masturbation while ejaculating multiple times or more in a row. It’s an emotional feeling that something important has passed away.
Neurotransmitters misinterpreted as pleasure
I often hear that “endorphins are effective” when it comes to orgasm, but endorphins themselves do not bring about pleasure. The action of endorphins promotes the release of dopamine in the A10 nervous system, producing qualia of pleasure. The nuances are almost the same for serotonin, oxytocin, and other hormones that are said to be associated with pleasure. Basically, “pleasure = dopamine.”
Endorphins are characterized by being activated by stress and have strong analgesic effects. That’s why the sensations in my erogenous zones become numb. In addition, the opioid receptors that bind to endorphins also have a prolactin release effect causing refractory period.
Many people are probably using an opioid mindset, misunderstanding that endorphins are what brings about pleasure, and claiming that orgasms are related to endorphins, but I think this is wrong. Endorphins are closely related to many addictions. For example, the stress of not being satisfied due to neglect-like trauma can be relieved by sexual urges, which releases endorphins and makes you feel dependent, causing you to lose self-control.
One neurotransmitter in the brain that we need to be careful about is serotonin. Serotonin is said to cause a feeling of blissful love and euphoria, but its characteristic reaction is that it manifests as depression. I feel depressed the next day after having a dry orgasm and using my dependence on others (including finger techniques from others) to enjoy my time with that person as a time filled with love. Of course, if you continue in this state for too long, your synapses will remain saturated with serotonin, and as a result, your receptors will decrease. When this happens, I end up in a state close to the onset of full-blown depression. Remember that depression doesn’t only develop if you continue to experience hardships, but also by continuing to be in a happy state.
Whether it’s endorphins or serotonin, you may need to be careful if you have the basic predisposition to develop the respective disease (stress, trauma, etc.). Unfortunately, there are cases where the experience of dry orgasm can trigger conditions such as depression. That’s why I recommend that you do it in a stress-free and healthy state.
Dry orgasm, relax and welcome it. It’s no good being too positive. Quietly, concentrate only on the pleasure, forget about other stress, and let the pure and best orgasm bloom toward the “nothingness” that appears there.
With dry orgasms, it’s important to control them with dopamine and never associate them with endorphins, serotonin, or other brain transmitters, as serotonin can lead to depression and endorphins can lead to the same path as opioid users.
If you take a few days off and enjoy yourself, you might think it’s okay, but the causes of depression, for example, vary from person to person. If you’ve been dealing with dry orgasms for a long time, it’s time to take a break if you think something is a little off mentally.
Consider body position

With the Aneros, I basically recommend the side position (like illustration above). The side position also has the advantage of making it difficult for the Aneros to rotate. There are a lot of things I like, like doggy style, lying on my stomach while rubbing my penis, etc., but I think it’s okay to not worry too much about it and just do whatever position you like.
However, there is one point to be careful about when it comes to body position, and that is to make sure that the blood is being properly transported to the areas that need it and functioning properly.
During a dry orgasm, your brain becomes active, so your breath increases, your heart starts beating faster, and you consume more oxygen than usual. And of course, blood flows to the prostate and its surrounding area, and as the prostate heats up, its sensitivity increases.
Observe the position (height) of the heart, the brain, and organs related to dry orgasm, and reconsider your body position and the position of pillows, cushions, etc. If you lower your head so it’s at the same level as your heart, you’ll get a lot of points.
Anatomy of the prostate and penis
The prostate is located in the body where the urethra penetrates the urethral membranous area. If the urethral cavernosa, especially the perineum, is developed, it can be developed into a powerful erogenous zone. Even when masturbating to ejaculate, I think there are many people who masturbate while holding the perineum area tightly. Especially as a young teenager. When the prostate is growing to a full size.

It is divided into the corpus cavernosum of the penis and the corpus cavernosum of the urethra, which is soft like the glans and lining of the penis. In particular, the swollen area of the perineum, known as the bulbus urethra, is ideal for development. Since it’s close to the prostate and the pleasure is easily linked, I highly recommend its development.
The prostate is located between the bulb of the urethra and the membranous area of the urethra. When you stimulate the perineum, the stimulation reaches all the way to the prostate, making the perineum stand out even more as a pleasure spot.
If you stimulate the perineum with a powerful electric massager, the prostate on the opposite side of the lower pelvic muscles, and of course the entire pelvis, which is filled with various erogenous zones for both men and women, will be shaken. When I shake my pelvis from the perineum, it really feels like I’m being forced to ejaculate. I ejaculated many times, and the prostate, glans, and perineum were stimulated with powerful pleasure, giving me an orgasm that made me scream, and the sensations continued to be extremely brutal.
Aim for the central area of the prostate
The prostate gland is pathologically classified into several zones. It is characterized by the fact that prostate cancer is more common in the “marginal area” and prostatic hyperplasia is more common in the “transitional area”. And then there’s the “central region” made up of glandular tissue and smooth muscle that surrounds the ejaculatory duct. The sharp part at the bottom of the marginal area fuses with the levator ani muscle and recto-urethral meatus, so I think it’s a good idea to twitch the urethral sphincter and anal sphincter muscles to fit the Aneros before going into a dry orgasm. But after that, I think it’s a good feeling to relax and respect the movement of the PC muscle and rectal peristalsis itself.
The central region includes the urethra that connects to the bladder the ejaculatory duct that connects to the vas deferens and spermatozoa and the remnants of the male vagina (Mullerian duct remnants). There are two ejaculatory ducts that exit into the urethra. In other words, there are two scrotums that connect to the vas deferens and the ampulla of the vas deferens, and there are also two ejaculatory ducts inside the prostate.
The spermatozoa seems to merge with the ejaculatory duct at the prostate, but the spermatozoa itself is blocked by the bladder and the ampulla of the vas deferens, forming an inverted figure-eight shape that is quite lateral from the prostate, and probably extends from the rectum to the entire body. I can’t seem to stimulate it.
When you stimulate your prostate, you can feel it in two places, the front and the back. There are a lot of people who feel it particularly strongly towards the back. There are many anatomical diagrams of the prostate that show it from the side, and if you just look at it, you’ll get the impression that it’s the “sperm” or “ampulum” and it’s deep inside the prostate, and there are words like “dry sperm”. I’ve been walking alone, but from my experience, I can feel the sensation both in the front and in the back, and I think that’s what makes it so “dry.” For example, the most sensitive part of a penis is the line behind the glans where the urethra turns over, which means “edge.” The same goes for the prostate gland. The most sensitive part is the part in the central area, the “edge” where the ejaculatory duct enters the urethra, and the “edge” where the ampulla and spermatozoa meet from the ejaculatory duct, so there are two areas: the back and the front.

Exceed the limits of the ejaculatory center with dry orgasm
As mentioned earlier in the “border”, I think that for many people, the place to stimulate the ejaculatory center the most is the muscles behind the glans.
The ejaculation center is located in the lumbar vertebrae of the spinal cord. In other words, ejaculation is a spinal reflex. That’s why it’s a reflex that doesn’t involve the brain. However, in the brain, when the sensation of ejaculation occurs, prolactin is released and dopamine is suppressed, reducing sexual desire and sensitivity of the erogenous zones, especially in men.
The ejaculation center switch is scattered continuously on the glans, its back muscles, penis, perineum, and prostate, and it is often seen that ejaculation and tokoroten are confused and tokoroten is an example of this. It feels like the prostate is being pushed out by a thruster and secretions such as prostatic fluid come out, so the point is that there is no feeling of ejaculation (prostatic fluid feels like semen itself, smells like it, prostate fluid gets thicker when it accumulates).
If you feel the sensation of ejaculation, this is a case where the prostate is stimulated and you ejaculate involuntarily. Ejaculation tends to be a hindrance to dry orgasm. If you feel the sensation of ejaculation, the prolactin release and dopamine suppression will occur and you will move into refractory period, making it difficult for you to reach dry orgasm, especially for beginners. By the way, this release of prolactin has the image of dropping an excitement breaker, but on the other hand, I think that it is a kind of orgasm called a prolactin orgasm.
As I touched on earlier in “Brain and Body Reactions”, in the case of Dry Master, you will be able to confirm that your prostate is still sensing pleasure even after you ejaculate. Even if ejaculation suppresses prolactin release and dopamine, it is possible to reactivate dopamine by concentrating on the pleasure of a dry orgasm caused by the prostate. Give it a try, and you’ll be able to enjoy the loop of “male pattern dryness” – “ejaculation” – “female pattern dryness” – “libido revival” – “male pattern dryness” – “ejaculation” as long as your physical strength lasts.
Orgasm findings in gender
Not only humans, but many animals have reproductive organs that are essentially the same in origin and are called homologous organs, with no sex differences until the early to mid-fetal period. The penis and clitoris are the same, the prostate and the G-spot are the same. There are many other reproductive organs that are called homologous, such as the scrotum and ovaries.
Even among women, there are quite a lot of people who can have clit but have never experienced G-spot orgasm. However, it seems that the release of prolactin that occurs during men’s ejaculation is almost non-existent, so they are able to stimulate the clitoris continuously and the positional relationship between the clitoris and vagina makes it easy to stimulate them at the same time.
As a side note, I once had a chance to talk to a transsexual woman who told me that even if she lost her penis due to sex reassignment surgery, she could still experience an ejaculatory orgasm near the urethral cavernosa that surrounds the urethra. Of course, the refractory period with that person will also come. When it comes to orgasm, it’s not just a matter of gender or sex hormones.
There may be differences between men and women in orgasm depending on sex hormones, but there are no gender differences in qualia such as “painful”, “hot”, “sweet”, and “spicy”. My thought is that there are no gender differences in orgasm.
Points of dry orgasm development dedicated to super beginners
I’d like to introduce some development points for beginners who don’t know what’s right and what’s left.
The basic method is to simultaneously stimulate your current largest erogenous zone and the area you want to develop, link them as erogenous zones and then make them independent. Therefore, insert the Aneros even during normal ejaculation masturbation. I recommend it because it also increases the feeling of ejaculation. Immediately after ejaculation, the prostate gland is also sensitive so use the Aneros to massage it, and cherish the time for afterplay.
It is also effective to combine it with Chikuney (Nipples stimulation). Nipples and prostate are compatible. If the nipple areas are sensitive, simultaneous stimulation may also be effective.
Make it a daily routine to stretch your PC muscle, relax your anal sphincter and urethral sphincter and feel like you’re pressing your PC muscle lightly. By doing so, the Aneros will be able to move freely. Once you can feel the prostate to a certain extent, set up an period where you only stimulate the prostate to increase the sensitivity of the prostate. Increasing the frequency of anal can lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the prostate.
Relaxation is important, but you also need to take deep breaths. Abdominal breathing. Breathe in and exhale for a long time, feeling the sexual energy. Don’t put pressure on your abdomen and don’t hold your breath. Don’t think about it with your head, remember with your body.
Inserting the Aneros can be time-consuming at first, but if you repeat it many times, you will get used to it and it will save you time and become easier. For rectal irrigation, a bidet is sufficient. Also, disposable enema devices are convenient. You can use hot water and an enema to wash your rectum or put lube in it and do a lube enema before inserting the Aneros.
It’s quite long, but thank you for reading to the end. I hope that this article will lead to everyone’s first experience of dry orgasm and increase dry sensitivity ♥
Article by Anzu-chan あんずちゃん
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